Justice Through Science (JTS) is a nonprofitpublic charity whose mission is bringing better science into criminal justice through forensic education and public service. In particular, JTS notes that for better “justice through science,” trial lawyers and judges often rely DNA evidence. However, some evidence samples ae complicated to discern because they include multiple individuals Using computers, statistical scientists can “unmix” DNA to facilitate accurate testimony and ultimately, “justice through science.”
To assure that justice through DNA science is available to everyone and that certain scientific protocols are not ignored because of misinformation is critical. However, explaining complicated DNA evidentiary processes and educating policy-makers about their impact amidst their assumptions and conflicting and incorrect information is a difficult task itself.
Grau & Associates realized that, in fact, many individuals: judges, police offices, prosecutors, and public defenders, do understand DNA evidentiary protocols and have, in fact, elide on them to convict criminals and acquit the innocent. Individually, their opinions are lost in the din. However, collectively their perspectives are very persuasive.
Therefore, to engage new audiences and pool their support of DNA evidentiary processes G&A helped JTS establish a grassroots initiative that leveraged JTS’s own relationships as well as its ability to reach a broad audience through an on-line information campaign.
Since partnering with G&A, JTS has launched a cogent and growing on-line letter writing campaign focused on law enforcement as well as prosecutors and public defenders. As the campaign develops momentum and critical mass, its impact will be an effective tool for JTS’s public policy initiative and engagement.